Past Presidents

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Nebraska Wesleyan University
President’s Office, Smith-Curtis
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln NE 68504
(402) 465-2217 传真 (402) 465-2537
总统 [at] (总统[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Past Presidents

查尔斯·F. 克莱顿
1888 – 1893

  • 1887年,内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学的第一座建筑Old Main落成.
  • 提议将新大学设在林肯或林肯附近的首席建筑师, and author of the university’s bylaws.
  • 在1888年3月,内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学被认为即将失败时,他是拯救它的关键执行者. He kept it alive and going.
  • In 1888, a full-year’s tuition, plus incidentals, cost $42.
  • 威拉德姐妹会成立于1889年,是美国历史最悠久的“地方姐妹会”.
  • In 1890, 足球被取消,因为它容易引起学生的“不绅士”行为,如愤怒和咒骂, 然而, did resume in 1908.
  • First four students graduated from Wesleyan – all women – in 1890; Four men graduated in 1891.
查尔斯·F. 克莱顿

Isaac Crook
1893 – 1896

  • 他是普利茅斯威廉·布拉德福德的后裔他的祖父曾在邦克山作战.
  • Reorganized and restructured the university’s academic program.
  • 1894年的今天,有人试图在Old Main放火,并烧毁了Haish建筑.
  • 卫斯理的官方印章创建于1894年,至今仍在使用.
  • The colors yellow and brown are based upon the sunflower, the school’s earliest symbol; Sunflowers once filled the field where Old Main was built.
Issac Crook

Dewitt Clinton Huntington
1896 – 1908

  • 1900年的今天,第一联合卫理公会教堂在第50街和圣. Paul Avenue.
  • 1904年的今天,第一所音乐学院的南翼建成,后来被命名为C.C. 白色 Memorial Building.
  • 1907年的今天,学校的吉祥物由向日葵改为土狼.
  • March 1908 - Classes were cancelled and students, 教职员工和朋友们在镇上和校园里游行庆祝第一个100美元,000 endowment.
Dewitt Clinton Huntington

William Joseph Davidson
1908 – 1910

  • The liberal arts education was defined. 以前的学生只从一个系毕业,现在他们要从整个学院包括所有系毕业.
  • 获得当地医生作为学生医疗顾问的服务,收费不超过50美分.
  • 1909 - Proposed beginning a Booster to promote the University.
  • 在每学年开始的年度演讲后,开始接待学生, which continues today.
William Joseph Davidson

Clark Adelbert Fulmer
1911 – 1917

  • 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学的校友,也是学校的宠儿.
  • 学生们建造了卫斯理大学的“新体育馆”,并提供了3200美元费用的一半.
  • WJAC电台在十几二十年代运作,是中西部最早的广播电台之一,也可能是全国最早的教育广播电台之一.
  • 1914 - The original chapel of Old Main became the library.
  • 1914年的今天,卫斯理获得了中北部学院和中学协会的第一个认证, 它仍然每十年回顾一次内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学.
Clark Adelbert Fulmer

Issac Butler Schreckengast
1917 – 1932

  • 他发起了“我将维持”运动,筹集资金帮助卫斯理大学在大萧条时期继续生存.
  • 1920 - William Jennings Bryan speaks at Nebraska Wesleyan.
  • 女子体育课把老梅因的阁楼用作步枪靶场.
  • 1923年的今天,一个后来被命名为Alpha Gamma Delta的团体捐赠了Old Main的一扇华丽的彩色玻璃窗.
  • 1923年的今天,雷切尔·安·卢卡斯图书馆建成,现在是艺术大楼.
  • 1927 - Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority was installed; 1928 – Phi Kappa Tau was installed.
  • 1932年的今天,卫斯理大学足球运动员鲍勃·吉布在对阵俄克拉荷马城的比赛中以107码的跑动创造了世界纪录, which was later published in “Ripley’s Believe It or Not.”
Issac Butler Schreckengast

Elmer Guy Cutshall
1932 – 1937

  • 1933年的今天,学校的吉祥物由土狼改为平原人.
  • 1933年的今天,启动了一个为期10年的最低计划,将卫斯理大学的师生比例改为15:1.
  • 通过卫理公会教会开始了第一批特殊奖学金捐赠之一, 最早的奖学金资助来源之一,可以让更多的学生上大学.
Elmer Guy Cutshall

哈利L. Upperman

  • 在担任校长期间,他在内布拉斯加州卫斯理和田纳西州的巴克斯特神学院之间往返.
  • 只有1938届的毕业生有他签名的文凭,因为他选择留在巴克斯特神学院.
  • Annual salary for the Chancellor was $4,000 plus a house.
哈利L. Upperman

本杰明F. 施瓦兹
1938 – 1946

  • A grade school at Wesleyan existed until the 1940s.
  • 1941 - Delta Zeta Sorority was installed.
  • 施瓦兹's mission was to vitalize religion for students.
本杰明F. 施瓦兹

约翰L. 骑士
1946 – 1949

  • During 骑士’s short 2.5年的学期,学生人数翻了一番,教师人数从37人增加到60人.
  • 新增的专业包括艺术、外语和体育.
  • 增加了4个行政员额:房舍和场地主任, Director of Religious Life; Director of Public Relations and Director of Student Relations.
  • Completion and dedication of the O.N. Magee Memorial Stadium.
  • 1947年的今天,约翰逊大厅建成并只对女性开放,直到今天依然如此.
  • 1949 - Theta Chi Fraternity established.
约翰L. 骑士

卡尔·C. 布雷斯
1949 – 1954

  • 布雷斯 was only 37 years old when hired as chancellor.
  • During his first seven months of chancellor, 他往返于内布拉斯加州卫斯理学院和黎巴嫩的麦肯德里学院之间, 伊利诺斯州.
  • During his tenure, 教师和学生的家庭精神和士气达到了学校历史上的最高水平.
卡尔·C. 布雷斯

A. Leland Forrest
1954 – 1957

  • 1957 - Set the precedent of 1200 students in enrollment.
  • 扩建体育工厂,新建两个宿舍和一座体育教学楼.
A. Leland Forrest

万斯维. 罗杰斯
1957 – 1977

  • Creation of sabbatical program.
  • Office of Vice President of Academic Affairs created.
  • 1958 - Zeta Psi Fraternity was established.
  • 1959 - John Kennedy spoke on campus.
  • 学费 in 1962 was $560 per year, plus room and board.
  • 在罗杰斯的任期内建造了9座大楼,为校园增加了1100万美元的价值;
    • 1960 - Burt Hall and Pioneer Hall
    • 1963 - Plainsman Hall
    • 1965 - Fine Arts Building, which is now named the 万斯维. 罗杰斯 Center Fine Arts
    • 1967 - Centennial Hall
    • 1969 – Olin Hall of Science
    • 1970 - Cochrane-Woods Library
    • 1974 - Smith-Curtis Classroom-Administration Building
    • 1976 - George A. 骑士 Field House
  • Formation of Student Affairs Division; creation of University Judiciary and Student Affairs Senate for self-government of students.
  • "A Decade For Fulfillment" campaign raised $19.500万年.
万斯维. 罗杰斯

约翰W. 白色,小.
1977 – 1997

  • 1977 - 住房 costs were raised to $630 per semester.
  • 35% increase in student enrollment from 1977-1997.
  • 1981 - Elder Speech and Theater building completed.
  • 1992年的今天,大学唱诗班成为美国第一个受邀在圣. Petersburg, Russia, International Choir Festival.
  • 1996 - Completion of Weary Center for 健康 and Fitness.
  • "Campaign for Vision 2000" raised $46.500万年.
约翰W. 白色

Jeanie Watson
1997 – 2006

  • First female 总统 of Nebraska Wesleyan.
  • 2000 - Mascot changed from Plainsman to the Prairie Wolves.
  • 2003 - Formation of Omaha instructional site.
  • 推动卫斯理荣誉学院成为内布拉斯加州最大的高中/大学同步招生计划.
  • Academic additions include: Master of Forensic Science, Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Arts in Historical Studies, 并通过成人和研究生课程获得工商管理学士学位.
  • 2003年-完成套房和联排别墅风格的宿舍.
Jeanie Watson

Frederik Ohles
2007 – 2019

  • 2014 – Archway Curriculum introduced, cited as exemplary in U.S. higher education.
  • Improvements to residential and athletic facilities.
  • 2016 – NWU joined American Rivers Conference for athletics.
  • MBA和M.Ed. degrees added.
  • 2019 – Duane W. Acklie Hall of Science opened.
  • Bold Designs campaign (2012-2019) raised $67 million.
Fred Ohles portrait