Capitol Hill Internship Program

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Nebraska Wesleyan University
Academic Affairs Office, Smith-Curtis 311
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln NE 68504
(402) 465-2110
Fax (402) 465-2537

Capitol Hill Internship Program

国会山实习计划(CHIP)将内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学的学生与只有在华盛顿才能找到的令人兴奋的实习联系起来, D.C.

  • 在独特的专业环境中获得实际、直接的工作经验.
  • Earn up to 15 credit hours in classes and seminars.
  • 住在国会山的联排别墅,与同学一起培养和支持你的经历.
玛丽·杨坐在一名被灯光包围的司法部雇员对面, cameras and microphones.

Internship opportunities

CHIP学生有在政府机构实习的独特机会, nonprofit organizations, associations, lobbying firms, private corporations and in legislative, executive and judicial branches.

But securing the right internship can be a challenge. 当你探索与你的兴趣和技能相匹配的实习时,CHIP主任可以帮助你:

  • narrow your list of possibilities
  • 申请那些最符合你目标的公司
  • prepare for candidate interviews
  • decide which internship offer fits you best.
Check out recent CHIP placements.
  • Bracewell, LLP
  • Bread for the World
  • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
  • Center for European Policy Analysis
  • Citizens' Climate Lobby
  • D.C. Public Defender Service
  • Sierra Club
  • Smithsonian Institution
  • Supreme Court of the United States
  • The White House
  • U.S. Department of Justice
  • U.S. Department of State
  • U.S. House of Representatives
  • U.S. Senate
  • Washington Performing Arts
  • Woodrow Wilson House
Faith Leiting站在一扇门前,上面写着参议员Deb Fischer,来自内布拉斯加州..

Academic credit

CHIP实习是一次强化学习的经历. 这个为期15周的项目每周工作32小时,结合学术课程,增强你在国会山的经历.

Internship: 9 credit hours

在实习之初,你要和你的主管一起制定学习目标. You’ll track your progress in a weekly journal. 实习结束时,你要提交一份详细的报告,分析你的经历.

Seminar: 3 credit hours

你的实习研讨会每周举行一次,讨论华盛顿特区的时事.C., with experts in various fields. 你将探索各种各样的问题、组织和职业道路.

Coursework: 3 credit hours

你将在CHIP House教授的三门课程中选择一门. 过去的课程包括游说、中东政治、通讯和文化等主题.


CHIP House

CHIP的实习生们住在马里兰州中心的一栋红砖三层联排别墅里.C. The CHIP House is walking distance from the Capitol, House and Senate offices, the Smithsonian, Union Station and Capitol South Metro stops, as well as countless restaurants, shops and markets.

实习生可以享受家具齐全的生活空间和休闲座椅, TVs, dressers, paid utilities, basic cable and WiFi. The CHIP House provides linens, household goods, 餐具和炊具以及现场洗衣和清洁服务的公共区域.


  • 像其他学期一样支付常规学费. Your NWU financial aid remains fully applicable.
  • 住宿费用为3,500美元,并在申请时支付250美元不可退还的押金.
  • You are responsible for food and transportation.


CHIP participants must:

  • be an NWU undergraduate student
  • hold a 3.0 GPA
  • have completed POLSC-1000 or POLSC-1010.

Application process

To apply for the program, email your completed CHIP Application to Zachary Baumann at zbaumann [at] (zbaumann[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Include with your application:

  • a resume developed with the help of the Career Center
  • your unofficial transcripts
  • a nonrefundable $250 housing deposit

After you submit your application, 我们会联系你安排CHIP评审小组的面试.



Learn more

Find more information on the CHIP website.

或联系NWU的CHIP协调员,政治学助理教授Zachary Baumann zbaumann [at] (zbaumann[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu).

CHIP internships open doors 

萨曼莎·马雷诺(Samantha Mareno, 18届)在华盛顿和平队实习.C. 使我在斐济的组织中获得了一个令人兴奋的职位. What unique experiences are waiting for you?