High school students sitting in class.
Wesleyan Honors Academy

WHA Student Brochure

Contact us

Heather Zaruba, M.A.
Director of Wesleyan Honors Academy
(402) 465-2415
hzaruba [at] NebrWesleyan.edu (hzaruba[at]NebrWesleyan[dot]edu)

Krista Cox
Assistant Director, Wesleyan Honors Academy
kcox [at] chicksthatlift.net (kcox[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Andrea Howell
Administrative Assistant, Wesleyan Honors Academy
(402) 465-7605
ahowell [at] chicksthatlift.net (ahowell[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)



Wesleyan Honors Academy

卫斯理荣誉学院(WHA)是一个双学分计划,为积极的高中生. When you take WHA courses at your high school, 你的学分将计入你的高中文凭和大学学位. WHA credits transfer to almost all U.S. colleges and universities.


  • An NWU student ID and a Wesleyan Honors Academy t-shirt
  • Access to NWU library, tutoring, and events with your NWU ID card or NWU email address
  • 当你作为本科生参加NWU时,可以获得100%的荣誉学院学费报销, beginning Spring 2023 or after. 我们将在您的第一学期学生账户中记入您支付的所有荣誉学院学费(不包括ACE和其他用于支付荣誉学院学费的外部奖学金).)

Register for Wesleyan Honors Academy

即使在学期开始后,你也可以注册双学分. 符合条件的学生可获得卫生大会课程的ACE奖学金. 查找参与的高中,课程描述和重要的项目截止日期.


ACE Scholarship

有经济需要的学生可以申请并获得ACE(提前进入大学)奖学金 Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Post-Secondary Education. Contact your high school counselor to complete the scholarship application as soon as possible. ACE scholarships are on a first-come/first-serve basis, 学生必须参加大学课程才会被考虑. 在2023 - 24学年,ACE将涵盖无限数量的课程. Please see your high school counselor for more information.  

Find participating high schools

WHA classes by subject

Important dates for 2023-24

Pay tuition online or by mail

学费仅为每学分95美元,课本和实验费用为零. (That’s a 92% tuition discount for WHA students!) 

Tuition payment options


If your circumstances change, you have the ability to drop a class, register late or withdraw from a course.

Petition to drop, add or withdraw from a class

Activate your NWU account and access resources

As a Wesleyan Honors Academy student, 你可以充分利用许多内布拉斯加州卫斯理的资源和支持. It’s easy to take advantage of these benefits.

Activate your account

Access grades, bills and tax statement


Self-Service allows WHA students to access their course list, unofficial transcripts, billing statements, and their grades. T98报税表亦于每年一月提供,供家长/监护人报税.

字母成绩由世界卫生大会讲师颁发,并张贴在NWU成绩单上. 12月结束的课程的成绩将在1月的第二周后公布. 5月份结束的课程成绩将在6月1日之后公布.

1098T statement 

In January, 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学商务办公室将1098T声明邮寄给所有在前一年参加荣誉学院课程的学生. For questions about your 1098T, please contact the Business Office.

Access WHA student benefits 

NWU ID card

你将收到一张NWU身份证,它可以让你参加校园活动,如体育赛事、戏剧和音乐演出. 身份证还可以在北吴图书馆和内布拉斯加大学系统的所有图书馆亲自借书. 当所有按时注册完成时(10月第二周和2月第三周),将发送卡片。. 初次注册后,您将只收到一次身份证.

Library access

The Cochrane-Woods Library 可亲自、使用您的NWU身份证或在线使用. 您需要使用NWU Office 365的电子邮件地址和密码才能使用在线图书馆资源. Use these instructions for accessing library services.

Cooper Center for academic resources

The Cooper Center 提供写作、公开演讲和特定学科课程的辅导. 请求虚拟约会,在一个给定的学科同伴辅导和写作咨询. Use these instructions for accessing Cooper Center scheduler.

Access additional benefits

Enjoy free admission to:

NWU policies that pertain to WHA students


Code of Student Conduct (chicksthatlift.net)

FERPA Directory Information (chicksthatlift.net)

FERPA Privacy of Educational Records (chicksthatlift.net)

Commitment to Students with Disabilities (chicksthatlift.net)

Semester-end tools


Complete a course evaluation through IDEA

在每门荣誉学院课程结束时,你会被要求 complete a class evaluation through an online system called IDEA. 使用您的NWU用户名,电子邮件地址和Okta密码登录. 

  • 您收到的初始电子邮件中提供了您的用户名电子邮件地址,以激活您的NWU帐户. The email was from do-not-reply [at] chicksthatlift.net (do-not-reply[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) 主题是“欢迎来到内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学的俄克拉何马州”.
  • 您的Okta密码是在您通过上面的“激活帐户”步骤激活帐户后设置的.

Please contact your WHA instructor or ahowell [at] chicksthatlift.net (Andrea Howell) if you have questions or problems accessing your account.

Transcripts and transferring credits

Using WHA credit at NWU: 该课程将与校内同等课程计算在同一领域,成绩将成为学生GPA计算的一部分.

Transfer credit to other colleges and universities: 如果你选择就读内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学以外的学院或大学,你将需要 order your transcript online. 我们是nacep - cep认证的双学分项目,您获得的学分将转移到大多数美国大学.S. colleges.


  • 学时将计入该机构毕业所需的总学时.
  • 该课程将取代普通教育课程中的一门必修课程.
  • The course will replace a course required in a major or minor.
  • In most cases, 转学的NWU成绩不包括在接受院校的GPA计算中.