


A 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 student will study abroad this fall in South Korea after receiving the Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金.

CeCe Nguyen(25岁)是内布拉斯加州林肯市心理学专业的学生., will study at Ewha Woman’s University in Seoul as part of the 国际学生 Exchange Program (ISEP).


Corinne Peterson (’19) first experienced 德国 during her study abroad experience to Nebraska Wesleyan’s sister school in Eichstätt, 德国. 这段经历非常有影响力, and the psychology and modern languages-German double major has been looking for the opportunity to journey back to 德国 ever since.

Alumna Anna Johnson ('21) is the recent recipient of a Psi Chi regional research award. 约翰逊的抽象, 大学生睡眠与认知, was selected at the Midwestern Psychological Association’s annual meeting out of over 550 abstracts.

Senior Melissa Hatch was recently awarded an undergraduate research grant from Psi Chi, 国际心理学荣誉学会. The research grant provides funds for applicants who demonstrate competence and commitment to psychology's best research practices.  


苏珊·克莱顿, a social psychologist whose work examines how people think about and make personal connections to the environment, will deliver this year’s Clifford Fawl Psychology 讲座 at 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学.